Blood Collection & Protein & NA Stabilisation (Omics) – Blood STASIS™ (MagBio)
Blood Collection & Protein & NA Stabilisation (Omics) – Blood STASIS™ (MagBio)

'Efficient and flexible sample processing'
The Blood STASIS™ Omics Tube is a universal, plastic, evacuated tube, used for blood collection, and ambient stabilisation of DNAs, RNAs, proteins, and metabolites in blood samples for up to 7 days. A proprietary Blood STASIS™ Omics Blood Collection Tube contains a non-fixative additive that helps to keep blood samples non-coagulated and to maintain the integrity of all nucleic acids and proteins. Blood samples can be safely collected, stored and transported at ambient temperatures for 1 week, while nucleic acids and proteins remain non-degraded for further analysis. Genomic DNA, circulating cell-free DNA, total RNA, mRNA, proteins, and metabolites can afterwards be analysed in genomics or proteomics studies.BENEFITS:
- Detection of DNA, mRNA, proteins, and metabolites from a single blood sample
- Room temperature blood stabilization for 7 days
- Efficient and flexible sample processing
- Prevents effect of time, storage conditions on sample integrity.