Magnetic Beads – MagStrep XT (IBA Lifesciences)
Magnetic Beads – MagStrep XT (IBA Lifesciences)

MagStrep Strep-Tactin®XT beads are used for purifying strep-tagged fusion proteins in batch format, whether in single or high-throughput setups.
- Low non-specific protein binding due to their agarose surface and high specificity for Strep-tag, resulting in high target protein purity.
- Ideal for isolating proteins and identifying complexes through pull-downs, immunoprecipitation (IP), or co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP).
- Suitable for small-scale purifications in reaction tubes and 96-well plates.
- Magnetic separation eliminates the need for centrifugation, reducing the risk of pellet disturbance or bead loss during the wash step.